Investment decisions - Financial intermediation and firms

Autor: José Carlos de Souza Santos e Luiz Martins Lopes
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    Relating theoretical foundations and practical applications, the book explains the main concepts that are part of current investment decisions. With 24 chapters dealing with everything from basic concepts for the analysis of economic policies through macroeconomics to the assessment of corporate indebtedness, this is a comprehensive reading on the subject.

    The book integrates texts prepared by a single author and is based on a variety of fundamental concepts and instruments applied in investment decisions from a diversity of texts. The book approaches investment decisions from the perspective of the financial system and economic agents (which can be investors and borrowers of funds, firms, or individuals).


    The wide variety of assets available is one of the reasons why new methods for managing an investment portfolio often emerge. Thus, by opting for a more comprehensive approach, it is possible to cover a more comprehensive range of financial assets and investment strategies.


    As this is a compilation of articles, the 24 chapters cover topics such as the globalization of markets, leverage and working capital in corporate finance, asset and liability management and corporate hedging, investment decisions and business valuation, besides concepts and applications of macro and microeconomics.



    Ficha técnica

    Autor: José Carlos de Souza Santos e Luiz Martins Lopes

    Número de páginas: 520

    Edição: 1ª

    Ano: 2023

    Formato: 18 x 26cm

    ISBN: 978-65-86407-50-1

    ISBN (ebook): 978-65-86407-49-5

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